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Come Experience the True Legends of Blue & White

Past the time-honored bell tower of Old Main, beyond the cool marbled hall of academia, and outside the venerated field of Beaver Stadium, the legends of blue and white are gathered to tell their stories. At the Penn State All-Sports Museum, visitors encounter, firsthand, the athletic history and heritage of one of the greatest universities in the nation.

The museum is located at the southwest corner of Beaver Stadium opposite the Bryce Jordan Center. A long canopy leading from Curtin road marks the museum entrance.

Museum hours:

Tuesday-Friday 10am-4pm
Saturday Closed game day
Sunday 10-4pm
Closed Monday

Lion Cubzone 8am-11pm


Stadium Views:
Tuesday-Saturday 10:30-3:30pm
*Weather permitting*

Views are offered per museum supervisors discretion,
average three views per day, weather permitting.
Please call ahead to check availability



At the Museum:


Museum Group tours

Request Beaver Stadium tours

Museum Birthday tour

Football Friday Speaking Event


Become a Friend:
Friends of the Museum enjoy a variety of great perks and special opportunities.
Learn More

The mission of the Penn State All-Sports Museum is to honor the achievements of the men and women who have built the proud tradition of Penn State Intercollegiate Athletics through the preservation and promotion of their legacy for the education and benefit of the community.